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The Chess Club of Harper High School in Albany, NY needs your help to travel to this year's Nationals in Nashville, TN, May 10-12th. These students have worked extremely hard, attending tournaments weekly and want a chance to represent their school and community on a national level.

Due to massive district-wide budget cuts, the Harper High School chess team is in danger of not attending this year’s nationals. This year’s group of students have shown tireless efforts to learning and providing support to each team members. Meeting every Tuesday for chess club, the team have solved countless puzzles, played numerous training games, and reviewed many positions with Coach Alexis Paredes.

Our budget to send 12 students, 2 chaperones, and 1 coach to the Nationals is $12000. This includes transportation, food, entry fees, and hotel rooms.

Thank you for your support and time and let’s go make some noise at the nationals!

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Alexis Paredes


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