Thank you for choosing KCC Fundraising
Follow this simple step by step tutorial
Step 1
Register your group
Be sure to use the email you will want to use for login information here, as it will have to match for the next step.

Step 2
Sign up for login credentials
Once you have submitted your completed agreement this pop-up will appear.

This is where you will want to be sure to use the same email address used in the agreement.
Step 3
Set up your organization

Now you are able to view and edit your page.
Select edit and you can:​
Add or change the current cover image
Add or change your logo
Add your "Why" story in the About section, that the participant's family and friends will see. *Note: This step is very important, if you are stuck on what to write please visit our FAQ page for examples or contact us. We are always happy to help!
Set your Funds Raised, Bags Per Participant, and Subscribers Per Participant goals.
Fund goals vary depending on your campaign but typical organizations set their bag and subscriber goals at:
Bags Sold
Note: Subscribers count as three bags sold, as there is a three-month commitment to receive the subscriber pricing.
Remember all information can be changed or modified by you at any time!
Lastly, you will push the submit edits button
at the bottom of the screen.
Step 4
View Your Organization Page

Then you will be able to view the page that will be sent out to the parents of the children participating, please review this to ensure it looks good before taking the next step!
Now you will want to compose an email to those participating.
You will want to include:
Why the campaign is important
How important it is for everyone to participate
What their next step is to be able to participate, for this step you will want to be sure to include a link to the organization page by including the web address at the top.

Any competitions or prizes you are running or offering.
Pizza parties, teacher for the day, movie day, etc. -
You will want to stress that subscribers count as 3 bags sold, so the quickest way to make their goal is to request people to sign up as subscribers. * This will also bring in repeat revenue for your group.
You will also want to let everyone know that all of the coffee is high-quality specialty grade and that it is shipped directly to the people purchasing so it can be sold to all family and friends across the US. Gone are the days of having to transport tons of products and orders all over once the fundraiser ends.
As people sign up you will be able to view it on your edit organization page.
To get to the edit page:
Click the drop-down here.

Select my dashboard.

The select edit organization.

This is where you will see who has signed up,
who has made sales and how many, etc.
You will also be able to download an excel file to easily sort information for competitions/prizes.

Step 5
Promote Promote Promote!
Send out emails, post on your social media, remind the participants what you are doing and what prizes are available.
Get everyone motivated and involved!
We are so excited about your upcoming success!
Please let us know if you hit a bump in the road of the process and need help or have questions. We would love to send examples of why statements, or emails to parents if needed. Our dedicated team is always available via email, phone or zoom call.